Energy System Consulting

Revamping and Repowering of Photovoltaic Systems

Technological modernization interventions for photovoltaic systems can be divided intotwo macro-groups:

1. Repowering: non-incentivised upgrades which concern modules, inverters, panels, and canconcern cabins and also anchoring structures, transforming the systems from fixed to mobile.

2. Revamping: as above, but reasoning with the same nominal power or with no overpowering greater than 1% of the pre-intervention nominal power as set out in the DTR – Document technical reference for technological modernization interventions published by the GSE in April 2023 – Procedures pursuant to the Ministerial Decree June 23, 2016.

In principle, technological modernization interventions are carried out on systems that have not been in operation for at least 7/10 years by replacing the photovoltaic modules and the components making up the conversion group affected by various problems.

Our goal is to contribute to the energy transition through theconstruction of energy systems from renewable sources.

Every day we work on the growth of the renewables sector throughltechnological innovation, improving the performance of existing plants energy production plants.

Our founding values ​​are the pursuit of excellence and reliability.


Energy System Consulting


Piazzale Kennedy, snc – 67051 Avezzano (AQ)


Via Marruvio, 8 – 67051 Avezzano (AQ)